Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hedonic Treadmill: Coffee


What is the Hedonic Treadmill theory?

According to Wikipedia it is "the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes".

You might say coffee has little to do with major anything. Well, maybe not but it has been a major pursuit in my life for sometime now. The perfect cup of coffee is ever elusive. I think I have it just right but then a couple of cups later it appears something is not good enough. Back to the drawing board.

The drawing board has taken me through: Keurig, French Press, Expresso machine, & my pretty red stovetop expresso maker:

I've also gone through various grinds & many add ins. Half & half? Evaporated milk? Oat or almond milk? Sugar? Sweetener? Monk fruit?

What I finally came back to? Drip coffee is so much easier & just as good. You set it up the night before, click a button in the morning & Also - for now I went back to powdered non-dairy creamer because I'm tired of the stuff in my throat from so much dairy. 

I'm sticking with my Monk Fruit over sugar or sweetener, though. It's all natural. It tastes good. And it helps keep blood sugar levels balanced.

So - I have returned to my roots as far as happy coffee is concerned. It definitely wasn't a quick return, though.

Black Coffee In Bed by Squeeze

PS - there are two theories of happiness: hedonic - experiences of pleasure & enjoyment & eudaimonic - experiences of meaning & purpose. Coffee would fall into hedonic happiness for me.

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