Nanowrimo is a success because my word count on the novel I'm writing is 15206.
It's not a great success because my word count should be 25005.
Words, I've written words. And a lot of them might not have been written if I weren't participating in National Novel Writers Month.
I've been having fun. Writing scenes I like. Picking placekeepers I like. What's a placekeeper - you ask.
A placekeeper is an image of someone you use for a character until the character forms more fully in your mind.
So far we have:
Main protagonist: Charlotte Bronte Harrison
Placekeeper: Jeanne Damas
Theme song: Touch of Grey by the Grateful Dead
Love interest: Holden Graves
Placekeeper: Neil Gaiman
Kid at risk: Micah Palaydin
Placekeeper: random unknown boy
Creepy haunted house: renovated church in Limmerick, Maine
Ghost cult leader: Amos Palaydin
Placekeeper: Taylor Kitsch acting as David Koresh
Holden Graves has a stalker and I am having a lot of fun writing her. While I don't have a whole playlist yet - she has a theme song.
Holden's stalker: Angie Lynn
Placekeeper: Angelyne
Angie Lynn's theme song:
Jane Jensen - Luv Song
This is all pieces of my work in progress - contemporary gothic romance novel - Black Windows.
Pinterest Board for Black Windows here
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